APPLICATION OF THE MACROERGApplication of the Macroergonomic Analysis and Design (Mead) to Design Sandal Design in UMKM (Usaha Micro, Small,Middle) Balongbendo District
PENERAPAN METODE MACROERGONOMIC Penerapan Metode Macroergonomic Analysis and Design (Mead) Terhadap Design Sandal Pada UMKM (Usaha Mikro, Kecil, Menengah) Kecamatan Balongbendo
Mead, Sandal, Desain ProductAbstract
one of the UMKM engaged in the manufacture of sandals and walking today is the business of making sandals and shoes owned by mr.mukit. Sandals are footwear to protect the feet when used, which are materials such as siles, straps and other. Have strap and sole problems with the development of product that have been made previously, raw materials made from rubber 70% and eva 30% materials so that sandals products can be comfortable to use. MEAD is one of the implementation stages of macroergonomic which is used in designing the overall system as an efficient effort to achieve product goals. Which make it easier for consumer needs based on felings or can be called psychological. It is hoped that the results of the research will get good sandals and attract customers, these sandals can be durable and strong so they can maintain customer comfort when they are used.
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