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The Role of Customer Experience, Brand Image, and Trust on Repurchase Intention of Indomaret Porong Branch Customers

Peran Pengalaman Pelanggan, Citra Merek, dan Trust Terhadap Minat Beli Ulang Konsumen Indomaret Cabang Porong




Customer Experience, Brand Image, Trust, Repurchase Intention, Consumers


This research aims to analyze the Role of Customer Experience, Brand Image and Trust on Consumer Repurchase Intention at Indomaret Porong Branch. This research uses a quantitative descriptive method with a purposive sampling approach. The consumer population is those who have visited the Indomaret Porong branch, and the sample size is 190 respondents. Data analysis was performed using SPSS 26. The results of the study explain that customer experience has a positive effect on consumer repurchase intention at Indomaret Porong Branch. A positive brand image also significantly influences consumer repurchase intention at Indomaret Porong Branch. Consumer trust also has a positive influence on repurchase intention at Indomaret Porong Branch. Together, customer experience, brand image, and trust contribute 33.3% to consumer repurchase intention at Indomaret Porong Branch. However, there are other factors outside of these three variables that also affect consumer repurchase intention by 66.7%.



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