DOI of the published article
A Effectiveness of CAD-CAM Application for the Development design and implementation of maintenance tools
Efektivitas Aplikasi CAD-CAM untuk Pengembangan, Desain dan Implementasi Alat Pemeliharaan
Effectiveness of CAD-CAM Application for the Development design and implementation of maintenance toolsAbstract
This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of using Computer-Aided Design and Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAD-CAM) applications in developing the design and implementation of maintenance tools. The use of CAD-CAM has become a major trend in the modern manufacturing industry because it provides various advantages such as time efficiency, high precision and increased productivity. However, it is important to assess the true effectiveness of this technology in the context of maintenance tool development to fully understand its potential benefits. The literature review analysis method was used to compile an in-depth review of the latest research and publications related to the use of CAD-CAM in the design development and implementation of maintenance tools. A number of case studies and field experiments were also included in the analysis to provide further insight into the application of this technology in various industrial environments.
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