Study of The Concentration of Emprit Ginger Extract (Zingiber officinale) with Long Pasturization of Fresh Cow’s Milk on The Characteristics Of Ginger Milk Pudding
Kajian Konsentrasi Ekstrak Jahe Emprit (Zingiber officinale) dengan Lama Pasteurisasi Susu Sapi Segar terhadap Karakteristik Puding Susu Jahe
Ginger milk pudding, Ginger (Zingiber officinale),, Pasteurization timeAbstract
The study aimed to determine the effect of ginger extract addition with pasteurization temperature of fresh cow's milk on the characteristics of ginger milk pudding. The study used a factorial randomized group design. The first factor was the concentration of ginger extract, namely J (3%), J (5%), J (7%), the second factor was the length of pasteurization temperature, namely S (4 minutes), S (5 minutes), S (6 minutes). Statistical analysis using ANOVA and further test using 5% BNJ test. Organoleptic was analyzed using Friedman test and best treatment weighting method. The results showed that there was an interaction between the concentration of ginger emprit and the duration of pasteurization a very significant effect on the syneresis test, organoleptic taste, organoleptic color, organoleptic texture, but no significant effect on the protein test, yield, organoleptic aroma.
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