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The Relationship Between Family Functioning with Self-Injury Behavior towards Young Adults

Hubungan Keberfungsian Keluarga dengan Perilaku Self-Injury pada Remaja




Family functioning, Self-injury, Young Adult


The stage of adolescents will face various problems and pressures in their development, which can lead to several impacts on them, such as feelings of anxiety, insecurity, and depression. This will eventually lead to a desire for self-injury and suicidal thoughts. Using a correlational quantitative approach. The participants are teenagers aged 17 to 25, totaling 47 individuals. Data was obtained using measurement tools in the form of a family functioning scale and a self-injury scale, then analyzed using the Product Moment correlation statistical method. The results of the data analysis showed a correlation coefficient of r = -0.96 with a p value of 0.000 (Sig. < 0.05), indicating a significant negative relationship between family functioning and self-injury in adolescents. It can be concluded that the higher the family functioning, the lower the self-injury among young adult. Conversely, if family functioning is low, self-injury tends
to be higher.



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