Quality Control Analysis Of Canned Products Using Six Sigma Method With DMAIC Approach
Analisa Pengendalian Kualitas Produk Kaleng Menggunakan Metode Six Sigma Dengan Pendekatan DMAIC
Canned Product, DMAIC, Fishbone, Six SigmaAbstract
PT United Can, a leading manufacturer of tin can packaging, is facing the problem of product defects due to dimensional discrepancies, dents, and rust, resulting in unachieved production targets. This study aims to identify the root causes of the failures, which after the research was conducted, the highest causes were mainly human error and machine malfunctions, in the hope of guiding effective corrective measures. To address this, the company applied the Six Sigma method with the DMAIC approach, which excels in data-driven identification and solutions. Improvements included increased operator training, supervision, machine maintenance schedules, selection of quality suppliers, and adjustments to production methods. Before improvement, the defect rate reached 338,893 units (3.37%), exceeding the 2% standard. After the implementation of DMAIC, helping the company control quality and meet world-class standards which are currently at the level of 3.78 or in the average category of the industry (USA).
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