Analysis of Body Posture and Mental Workload in Production Operators Using the Rapit Entire Body Assesment (REBA) and Modifiet Cooper Harper (MCH) Methods
Analisis Postur Tubuh dan Beban Kerja Mental Pada Operator Produksi Dengan Metode Rapit Entire Body Assesment (REBA) Dan Modified Cooper Harper (MCH)
REBA, MCH, Mental WorkloadAbstract
Muscle fatigue can cause problems or musical symptoms. On the problem of muskulosketal can be affected by such factors as energy, posture, action over and over - again and longer working hours, with a 20% delay production percentage. It aims to analyze body posture and mental workload on the production operator. The study's sample removal was made of 15 production operators at the xyz corporation. The purpose is a knowing the impact of body posture, evaluating the risk factors of less- ergonomic working posture and knowing the category of mental workload experienced by production operators at the xyz pt. The data analysis techniques in this study use reba and MCH analysis. Research results by using the reba method score 7 which means moderate risk work if carried on a long period of time, and changes need to be made immediately.
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