The Use of Midtrans as Payment Gateway for Non-Cash Transactions: A Case Study on Payment in School E-Canteen Transactions
Pemanfaatan Midtrans Sebagai Payment Gateway Transaksi Non Tunai: Studi Kasus Pembayaran Transaksi E-Kantin Sekolah
waterfall, development, information systemAbstract
The application of non-cash transactions in everyday life is increasing, including in payments at school e-canteens. One of the payment methods that can be used is to use a payment gateway such as Midtrans. This study aims to evaluate the use of Midtrans as a payment gateway for non-cash transactions in school canteens using the waterfall method. This study uses the waterfall method to develop a payment system using Midtrans in the school canteen ecanteen. Data was collected through interviews with schools and e-canteen users as well as observations of the transaction process using Midtrans. Data analysis was performed using a qualitative descriptive method. This information system was built using the PHP programming language with the MSQL programming language and the Laravel framework using the SDLC (Systems development life cycle) method, which is a method that refers to the models and processes used to develop software systems and describes.
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