Bussiness Plan : Jember Trail Rent
Rencana Bisnis : Jember Trail Rent
Jember Regency, Trail Motorcycle, Destination, TouristAbstract
Indonesia has immense tourism potential with diverse natural and cultural resources spread across its regions. One area that has a fairly high tourist attraction is Jember Regency in East Java. Jember Regency has various natural tourism destinations such as beaches, mountains, and other attractions that attract the interest of both domestic and foreign tourists. Data shows an increase in the number of tourist visits to Jember Regency from 2021 to 2022. However, some tourist attractions in Jember are still difficult to access using conventional on-road vehicles. This creates an opportunity to provide trail motorcycle rental services that can help tourists explore destinations that are difficult to reach. Seeing the existing market potential, the plan to establish the "JEMBER TRAIL RENT" trail motorcycle rental business in Jember Regency is considered promising. This business is expected to meet the needs of tourists for suitable transportation to explore tourist attractions in Jember that have limited accessibility.
Keywords: trail motorcycle, destination, Jember Regency, tourist
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