Implementation of the Kano Method to Assess Level of Customer Satisfaction in the Manufacture of Custom Chopper Motor Sparepart
Implementasi Metode Kano untuk Merancang Frame Custom Chopper Pada Sepeda Motor Custom
kano method, Kano Model, KanoAbstract
The progress of two-wheeled motorbikes is very rapid in Indonesia, which has resulted in the development of the modification industry, aftermarket spare parts industry and also body repair. Apart from being a means of transportation, two-wheeled motorbikes are also used as a medium for conveying hobbies and art by modifying them. One modification that is popular with consumers from young to old is the custom chopper motorbike modification. A custom chopper motorbike is a motorbike with a special design that emphasizes the rider's style. The frame design is considered monotonous and boring. Encouraging people to create and design chopper frames that are unique, strong and comfortable to ride. In designing a custom chopper frame, there are important aspects that must be considered, such as frame geometry, material and manufacturing process. The Kano method research optimized by Noriaki Kano aims to group attributes into categories based on consumer satisfaction assessments.
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