Analysis Using The House of risk (HOR) Method To Increase The Production Of Tanggulangin Bags
Analisa Menggunakan Metode House of risk (HOR) Untuk Meningkatkan Produksi Tas Tanggulangin
Production Process, HOR, SWOT, Risk IdentificationAbstract
UD. Novret Collection, a home-based business producing various bags, faces significant product defects due to its small-scale production and semi-manual tools. This study aims to assess the risk of product failure using the House of Risk (HOR) technique and apply SWOT analysis for risk mitigation. The HOR technique identified that the primary cause of defects is the cutting of materials not aligning with design specifications, with an Aggregated Risk Priority (ARP) of 567. To address this issue, the study suggests enhancing quality control to better compete in the larger market, which is part of the ST (Strength-Threat) strategy with an Estimated Total Damage (ETDk) value of 5139. By implementing these strategies, UD. Novret Collection can mitigate risks and improve overall product quality.
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