The Role of Religiosity and Social Support on Anxiety Facing Death in the Elderly
Peranan Religiusitas Dan Dukungan Sosial Terhadap Kecemasan Menghadapi Kematian Pada Lanjut Usia
Anxiety Facing Death Elderly, Religiosity, Social SuppotAbstract
In the final stage of a person's life, they face a developmental task that must be successfully completed: preparing for and accepting death itself. Nevertheless, religiosity and social support are two factors believed to reduce death anxiety among the elderly. The aim of this study is to determine: (1) the role of religiosity in reducing death anxiThety among the elderly; (2) the role of social support in reducing death anxiety among the elderly; and (3) the combined role of religiosity and social support in reducing death anxiety among the elderly. Meanwhile, the partial analysis indicates that religiosity has a significant effect on death anxiety with a value of β = -0.315, (p < .001), while social support also has a significant effect on death anxiety with a value of β = -0.352, (p < .001). The largest effective contribution is made by the social support variable, which accounts for 14.8%.
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