Emotion Regulation Psychoeducation as an Effort to Reduce the Level of Juvenile Delinquency
Psikoedukasi Regulasi Emosi Sebagai Upaya Menurunkan Tingkat Kenakalan Remaja
Psychoeducation, Emotion Regulation, juvenile delinquencyAbstract
Adolescence is a period when children seek to establish their identity, often engaging in maladaptive behaviors such as juvenile delinquency in the process. This study aims to determine whether psychoeducation on emotion regulation can reduce the level of juvenile delinquency. The population in this study consisted of 43 tenth-grade students. The research method employed was a quantitative experiment with a one-group pretest-posttest design. Data were collected through a Likert scale questionnaire on juvenile delinquency. Hypothesis testing was conducted using the Paired Sample T-test technique. The results of this study showed a significance value of 0.001<0.05 in the hypothesis test, indicating that emotion regulation as an ef ort to reduce juvenile delinquency was not proven ef ective. Therefore, a dif erent intervention is needed to reduce juvenile delinquency among tenth-grade students at
SMKS 1 Sidoarjo.
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