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Analysis of The Implementation of Public Relations Management in Improving The Quality of ABA PG/TK Schools in Sidoarjo

Analisis Implementasi Manajemen Humas dalam Meningkatkan Mutu Sekolah PG/TK ABA di Sidoarjo




Implementation, Public Relation Management, School Quality


One of the problems in shaping the image of a school is how the role of public relations management in implementing its programs has to be able to penetrate thick walls and long distances to be close to the guardians and prospective guardians of the school so that the assessment formed is that the school has good quality and is worthy of being an option in determining a school for their children. Thus, the role of public relations management in implementing its work program is so great that it can support the improvement of school quality, where public relations has been the bridge between the school and the community and other institutions that can be used as healthy and mutually beneficial partners as it has been


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