Detection Of Toxoplasma gondii Using Direct and PCR Methods with P30 Gene Marker in Cat Feces in Larangan Market Sidoarjo
Deteksi Toxoplasma gondii Menggunakan Metode Direct dan PCR dengan Marka Gen P30 pada Feses Kucing di Pasar Larangan Sidoarjo
Toxoplasmosis, Direct, PCR, Larangan MarketAbstract
Toxoplasmosis is a zoonotic pathogen caused by parasites. The purpose of this study was to identify Toxoplasma gondii using direct and PCR methods with the P30 gene marker in cat feces at Pasar Larangan Sidoarjo. Pasar Larangan is a traditional market located in Larangan Village, Sidoarjo Regency. The sampling technique used in this study was incidental sampling every 2 weeks for 2 months. Based on the results of the study, 13 samples of stray cat feces were obtained. Based on observations using the direct method, the results showed that no T.gondii was found. However, the examination using PCR and the results obtained in electrophoresis 1 sample showed a DNA band with a length of 550bp, 8 smear DNA band samples, and 4 samples did not see the DNA band. This study found differences in the results of T.gondii identification between the direct method and the PCR method.
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