Analysis of Intellectual Capital and Company Financial Performance (Study on Kremboong Sugar Factory)
Analisis Intellectual Capital dan Kinerja Keuangan Perusahaan (Studi pada Pabrik Gula Kremboong)
Intellectual Capital, Financial Performance, VACA, VAHU, STVA, ROA, ROEAbstract
This research aims to analyze intellectual capital and company financial performance. The variables used in this research are intellectual capital measured by the VACA,VAHU,STVA components and financial performance variables measured by the ROA and ROE indicators. The population in the research is the Krembong Sugar Factory company for the period 2021-2023. The research approach used is descriptive analysis. In this research, the data source used is secondary data in the form of the annual financial report of the Krembong Sugar Factory for the period 2021-2023 which is not published. This research uses descriptive analysis techniques, namely the activities of collecting, categorizing and analyzing data so as to provide a general picture of the problems that have arisen or are being investigated. The results of this research show that intellectual capital as proxied by VACA,VAHU,STVA has increased, and the company's financial performance as proxied by ROA and ROE has increased.
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