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Does Pair Work Card Contribute the Effect on the Students’ Speaking Achievement?

Apakah Kartu Kerja Berpasangan Berkontribusi pada Efek Prestasi Berbicara Siswa?




Speaking, Pair Work Card, Speaking Achievement


Speaking is a crucial language skill that allows individuals to express thoughts, feelings, and ideas. This study focuses on the speaking achievement of junior high school students, aiming to explore the effect of using Pair Work Card as a teaching media to enhance their speaking skills. The research is conducted at SMP Muhammadiyah 4 Porong, especially in the eighth grade, employing a pre-experimental design with one group for pre-test and post-test designs. The researchers implement the Pair Work Card as the media for teaching speaking. Students work in pairs, utilizing conversation cards with specific topics of recount text. The results showed that the use of pair work cards significantly improved students’ speaking achievment, with the average score increasing from 74,56 to 81,80. Pair work cards showed positive effect on improving students' speaking achievment.


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