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Effect of Concentration and Interval of Bovine Biourine Fertilization on Growth and Yield of Samhong King Variety Mustard Greens (Brassica juncea L.)

Pengaruh Konsentrasi dan Interval Pemupukan Biourine Sapi Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Sawi (Brassica juncea L.) Varietas Samhong King




Organic Fertilizer, Plant samhongking


Utilization of fermented cow urine can increase plant growth. This study aims to determine the interaction between the concentration and interval of fertilizing bovine biourine in samhong cultivation. This research was conducted in the Janjing field, Trawas in October-December 2022 using factorial RAK. The first factor was the concentration of bovine biourine consisting of 3 levels, namely 20, 40 and 60 ml/l. The second factor is the fertilization interval consisting of 3 levels, namely 2, 4, and 6 days. Data were analyzed by analysis with ANOVA followed by a 5% BNJ test. The results showed that there was a significant interaction between concentration and fertilization interval of bovine biourine with the highest number of leaves in the concentration treatment of 60 ml/l at intervals of 4 days (12.42 strands), the widest leaf area of the concentration treatment of 20 ml/l at intervals of 2 days once (118.76 cm2).


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