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Why is Code Switching still Used by Teachers in English Language Teaching?

Mengapa Alih Kode Masih Digunakan oleh Guru dalam Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris?




Code Switching, sociolinguistics, English as a Foreign Language (EFL)


This research involves issues of learning to use code switching in foreign language learning. In the context of Code switching, which focuses on the need for the use of code switching in teaching foreign languages in the classroom especially in vocational schools especially health majors. This report uses a descriptive qualitative method. Using interviews and transcripts. The report involved two different schools with each school having one teacher who participated with the study. The research revealed that teachers often use code-switching as a pedagogical strategy to facilitate communication with students. Given the students' limited English proficiency, code-switching emerged as an effective tool in the classroom. The analysis identified two main types of code-switching used: intra-sentential and inter-sentential. This practice not only aided better understanding but also bridged the language gap, ensuring that students understood complex subject matter more effectively. 


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