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Superior and Innovative Madrasas with Inclusive Education in the Era of Society 5.0

Madrasah Unggul dan Inovatif dengan Pendidikan Inklusif di Era Society 5.0




children with special needs, inclusive education


This research aims to provide an overview of the development of superior and innovative madrasas with inclusive
education in the era of society 5.0. This type of research is qualitative with exploratory descriptive. The research
subjects were class teachers, subject teachers, students' parents and madrasa heads. The interview was conducted at MTs 'Aisyiyah 1 Nganjuk as one of the inclusive madrasas. The research results show that the important factor in implementing inclusive education is the teacher. Where teachers must be able to carry out screening, referrals and classification. Teachers must be tough, have high willpower, self-confidence, be able to carry out their duties (self- efficacy), communicative, patient and willing to take action. Apart from that, the role of parents is needed in providing information and moral support to children with special needs


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