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Analysis of Students' Attitudes Towards STEM and 21st Century Skills in Elementary Schools Reviewed from the Perspective of Gender

Analisis Sikap Siswa terhadap SEM dan Keterampilan Abad Ke-21 di Sekolah Dasar Ditinjau dari Gender




Students’ attitudes, STEM, 21st Century Skills


Science, Technology/Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) and 21st Century Skills are very important to be implemented in all students starting from an early age, more precisely at the elementary school level. This study aims to describe students' attitudes towards STEM and 21st Century Skills in terms of gender at the elementary school level. This research is a quantitative survey using a Cross Sectional approach which can explain and compare the results of questionnaires that have been given to students. Student attitudes are explained based on STEM domains and 21st Century Skills, gender. The research respondents were 37 elementary school students at SD Muhammadiyah 2 Sidoarjo. 


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