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The Perception of Vocational High School Students Using Spotify to Study Listening English

Persepsi Siswa Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Menggunakan Spotify Untuk Belajar Mendengarkan Bahasa Inggris




Spotify, Study, Listening, Vocational High School, English, Research


Perception is a person's perspective on a phenomenon that can be subjective or objective depending on the individual's insight.  This study aims to determine the perceptions of Vocational High School (SMK) students in using Spotify to study listening English. This research is a descriptive qualitative research.  Handayani and  Sugiarti (2008) Descriptive qualitative research reports contain quotations and data as illustrations and to provide support for what is presented. The participants in this study who became informants were X BD 2 class students with a total of 2 people. The researcher found that the Spotify application is able to help vocational students learn to listen to English. In addition, this research also proves that Spotify is an audio application that supports students' English learning.



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