Characteristics of Corn (Zea mays L.) Bran Snack bar Based on the Proportion of Bran Paste to Kepok Banana Flour (Musa paradisiaca L.)
Karakteristik Snack bar Bekatul Jagung (Zea mays L.) Berdasarkan Proporsi Pasta Bekatul dengan Tepung Pisang Kepok (Musa paradisiaca L.)
corn bran, snack bar, Kepok banana flour, Musa paradisiaca L.Abstract
Corn bran is the result of corn milling that is less well utilized. One innovation that can be done is to process it into food products such as snack bars. In addition, the addition of kepok banana flour is expected to improve the sensory aspects of corn bran. The method used in this study was a non-factorial Randomized Group Design (RAK) consisting of the proportion of corn bran paste with kepok banana flour as many as 6 treatment levels, namely T0 (100%:0%); T1 (90%:10%); T2 (80%:20%); T3 (70%:30%); T4 (60%:40%); T5 (50%:50%) and repeated 4 times, resulting in 24 experimental units. Data were evaluated by ANOVA and then followed by HSD 5%. The best snack bar results were obtained in treatment T2 which showed a moisture content of 37.71%; fat 4.31%; crude fiber 4.36%; texture 50.20 N; color L* (Lightness) 42.16; color a* (redness) 12.23; color b* (yellowness) 33.41.
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