Optimizing Agile Project Management in the Construction Supply Chain: Evaluating Agility, Effectiveness, and Success in the Digitalization Era
Optimalisasi Agile Project Management dalam Supply Chain Konstruksi: Evaluasi Agility, Efektifitas, dan Keberhasilan di Era Digitalisasi
Agile, Agile Project Management, Supply Chain, supply chain managementAbstract
This investigation aims to assess the effectiveness of Agile Project Management in improving the performance of Supply Chain Management, specifically in the context of construction projects. As construction projects present unique challenges to achieving success and efficiency, we have decided to collect data through various sources such as observations, interviews, and documents related to the SCM Cargo Transshipment construction project, which involved all stakeholders. To evaluate the success and effectiveness of APM in SCM, we have used the Conforto framework and Likert scale measurements. In addition, we have assessed project planning, monitoring, and supervision to determine the extent of APM's impact on SCM. The results of the case study of the Cargo Transshipment construction project confirm previous studies on the effectiveness of APM in project/operational control and specifically on improving the effectiveness of SCM. In conclusion, by leveraging lean-agile approaches, sustainable frameworks, and agile project management practices, organizations can enhance their project completion processes to achieve the desired outcomes efficiently in terms of timeliness, quality, and cost-effectiveness.
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