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Implementing a “DASWA” Culture in Creating a Competitive Madrasah

Menanamkan Budaya “DASWA” Dalam Mewujudkan Madrasah Kompetitif




Madrasah Kompetitif, 5 Culture “DASWA”


Regulation of the Minister of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia Number 16 of 2010 article 6 (d) states that "building the mental attitude of students to act and behave honestly, trustworthy, disciplined, competitive, cooperative,
sincere and responsible in line with the thoughts of researchers in efforts to implement DASWA culture ” at MTs Darut Taqwa 1 Watukosek to achieve a competitive madrasah. A competitive madrasah is a madrasah that is the
community's first choice because of its academic excellence, best service quality, diverse extracurricular activities, complete and high-quality facilities and infrastructure


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