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Ergonomic Risk Identification In Protol Production Workers With Quick Exposure Check (QEC) Dan Nordic Body Map Methods

Identifikasi Risiko Ergonomi Pada Pekerja Bagian Protol Produksi Dengan Metode Quick Exposure Check (QEC) Dan Nordic Body Map




Ergonomics, Musculoskeletal Disorders, Nordic Body Map, Quick Exposure Check


PT. Indopack Printing is an industry that operates in the offset printing and packaging sector. At this time, the problem of work activities that are carried out repeatedly over a long period of time and the workload in work must receive great attention because it often causes complaints in the musculoskeletal or musculoskeletal system which affects work productivity. One example is in the production department of protocol activities, because in these activities often unergonomic work attitudes are caused by workers who are not in accordance with the worker's anthropometry, thus affecting the worker's performance in carrying out work, workers experience complaints from employees who experience complaints on their backs, shoulders and arms caused by unergonomic working positions. Unergonomics, for example if workers bend too often, can cause injury to the workers themselves.


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