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Feasibility Analysis of Utilizing Aluminum Waste for Car Accessories Using Pre-Test and Post-Test Methods

Analisa Kelayakan Pemanfaatan Limbah Aluminum untuk Aksesoris pada Mobil dengan Metode Pre-Test dan Post-Test




Waste Utilization, Car Accessories, Aluminum


This research is used to investigate the feasibility of utilizing aluminum waste as car accessories using Pre-Test and Post-Test methods. The purpose of this study is to determine the validation value of each method used. The methods include assessing the use of aluminum waste (PRE-TEST) through questionnaires filled out by respondents, followed by the process of manufacturing car accessories from aluminum waste. Finally, the product will be evaluated by the respondents (POST-TEST). The results of the study indicate that respondents in both the Pre-Test and Post-Test stages agreed on the utilization of aluminum waste. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) shows that most respondents in the PRE-TEST agreed on the utilization of aluminum waste, and in the POST-TEST results, most respondents agreed and were satisfied with the aluminum waste products produced.


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