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Workload Analysis As The Basis For Determining Incentives Using Method Workload Analysis (WLA) At PT. XYZ

Analisis Beban Kerja Sebagai Dasar Penentuan Insentif Menggunakan Metode Workload Analysis (WLA) DI PT. XYZ




Productivity, Workloads, Workload Analysis, Incentives


PT. XYZ, is a business unit that moves in the field of manufacturing especially the production of wooden boards located in Ds. Wonosari Kec. Ngoro, Mojokerto. The company manufactures semi-finished wooden boards that will be processed into chairs, cabinets or other products. The problem faced by operators in PT. XYZ is that the objectives to be achieved must be consistent so that operators are required to work carefully and a relatively high level of productivity. The aim of this research is to calculate the incentives that should be given to employees according to the workload obtained from a relatively high level of productivity, if the company does not want to increase the number of operators and require more expenses.


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