Influence of Parameters on The Mechanical Strength of Friction Stir Welding in High Density Polyethylene
Pengaruh Parameter terhadap Kekuatan Mekanik Pengelasan Friction Stir Welding pada High Density Polyethylene
Polyethylene, Tensile Strenght, WeldingAbstract
The research aims to determine the effect of the FSW process on tensile strength, the influence of parameter contributions to tensile strength. Experimental data was carried out by flatness and tensile tests. Flatness test using a dial gauge and milling machine with an accuracy of ±0.01. The highest tensile strength produces a tensile test value of 7.17 Kgf/mm2 with tapered cylindrical tool parameters with a spindle speed of 1583 rpm, welding speed of 15 mm/minute, and the lowest tensile strength with a squared tool with a spindle speed of 1200 rpm with a welding speed of 15 mm/minute produces a tensile test value of 6.84 Kgf/mm2. Based on the ANOVA results, the tensile test strength of the specimen was influenced by the tool geometry model by 57.78%, influenced by spindle speed by 18.29% and welding speed by 10.91%, and had an error value of 13.02%.
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