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Social Well-Being in Teeneger Social Media Users

Social Well-Being pada Remaja Pengguna Media Sosial




Social Well-Being, Pengguna Media Sosial


This research aims to find out the picture of social well-being among adolescent social media users. This research is quantitative research. The variable in this research is social well-being. This research was conducted in Gelam Village, Candi Sidoarjo District with a population of 483 teenagers. The sample in this study was 214 teenagers who were determined using a purposive sampling technique where the sample was determined based on certain criteria. The criteria used are teenagers aged 12-18 years and using social media. The data collection technique in this research uses a likert scale, namely social well-being. Data analysis was carried out using corrected item total correlation which can be done using the SPSS 25.0 for Windows program. The research results show that teenagers who use social media are mostly in the medium category with a percentage of 72.9%.


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