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The Role of Spirituality and Emotional Regulation on Forgiveness Vocational High School (SMK) Students

Peranan Spiritualitas dan Regulasi Emosi Terhadap Forgiveness Siswa Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK)




Spirituality, Forgiveness, Emotion Regulation, vocational high school students


This study aims to determine the relationship between spirituality and emotion regulation on forgiveness among vocational high school (SMK) students. This research uses a quantitative correlation approach. The target population is 254 10th-grade SMK students from three majors: Automotive/TKRO, Electrical/KTL, and Mechanical/TPM. A sample of 146 10th-grade SMK students was taken. Data collection was conducted using Likert scales for spirituality, forgiveness, and emotion regulation. The research results show that 52% of students are in the low category, and 48% are in the moderate category. Hypothesis testing proves that the higher the levels of spirituality and emotion regulation, the higher the levels of forgiveness. Multiple linear regression tests indicate that spirituality and emotion regulation contribute 23% to forgiveness, and the F-test results show that spirituality and emotion regulation have a significant impact on forgiveness. In conclusion, the study shows that both spirituality and emotion regulation, individually and collectively, significantly influence forgiveness.


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