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Mesuring Customer Satisfaction Using QFD and IPA Methods In Bank Service

Pengukuran Kepuasan Nasabah Dengan Metode QFD dan IPA pada Jasa Bank




Service quality, Customer satisfaction, IPA and QFD


The banking industry plays a crucial role in the national economy. Bank XYZ, a leading conventional bank, faceda decline in customer numbers from February to April 2023. This research aims to improve service quality to maintain customer satisfaction and loyalty. The study employs Important Performance Analysis (IPA) to determine service attributes and Quality Function Deployment (QFD) to process selected attributes and identify technical responses. The research results provide a prioritized list of attribute improvements and technical responses that can be used as considerations for enhancing Bank XYZ's service quality and customer satisfaction. By focusing on these improvements, the bank can address the recent decline in customers and strengthen its position in the competitive
banking sector. This approach not only helps Bank XYZ adapt to current economic conditions but also ensures it meets evolving customer needs, potentially leading to increased customer retention and attraction of new clients


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