Implementation Of The ANP (Analytical Network Process) Method To Overcome Delay In Raw Material Box Panel At PT. Agrivito
Implementasi Metode Anp (Analitical Network Process) Untuk Mengatasi Keterlambatan Bahan Baku Box Panel Pada Pt. Agrivito
Analitic Network Process (ANP)Abstract
PT. Agrivito is a company that produces electrical panel boxes starting November 21 2015. In making boxes, raw
materials are needed, namely sheet metal for all parts of the box shape. Whether or not a company handles delays in plate raw materials smoothly depends on the company determining cooperation with several suppliers to obtain the plate raw materials needed to expedite production process activities at the company, PT. Global Contromation Surabaya and CV. Sentral Besi Pratama is the supplier that provides the raw material for the plate. This is very relevant because the percentage of material costs is high, around +/- 50% of the cost of a final product. The weighting method used in this research is the Analytic Network Process (ANP) method. The advantage of the ANP method is that it makes it easier to weight criteria and sub-criteria because it is based on the relationship between criteria.
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