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Ethnopedagogy-Based Literacy E-Modules in Pancasila Education Subjects

E-Modul Literasi Berbasis Etnopedagogi Pada Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan Pancasila




E-Module, Literacy, Ethnopedagogy, Pancasila, Education


This research analyzed teaching material needs in Pancasila Education at SD Negeri Keret. It found that the use of materials and technology in cultural literacy activities was suboptimal, reducing students' interest in reading. Researchers created an e-module to foster an engaging learning atmosphere and enhance cultural literacy. The goal was to produce Ethnopedagogy-Based Literacy E-Modules using the ADDIE development model. The study involved experts and student trials. Data collection included interviews, needs analysis, pre-test and post-test questionnaires, and respondent feedback. Analysis covered validity, practicality, and effectiveness tests. Results showed very high validity, a student trial score of 87.68% (very good), and an N-Gain effectiveness score of 75.43% (quite effective). The e-module is highly feasible for learning application.


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