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Analytical Identification of the Role of Learning Motivation and Student Engagement on Cheating Behavior among Students

Identifikasi Analitik Peran Motivasi Belajar dan Student Engagement Terhadap Perilaku Menyontek di Kalangan Siswa




motivation to learn, cheating behavior, student engagement, student


This study investigates the correlation between learning motivation, student involvement, and cheating behavior among students at MA Islamiyah Candi. It employs quantitative methods, using a correlational approach with a sample of 260 students from grades 10, 11, and 12 out of a total population of 792. Data collection involved Likert scales for assessing learning motivation, student involvement, and cheating behavior. Results indicate 61.08% of students exhibited high levels and 38.92% low levels of cheating behavior. Hypothesis testing confirmed that higher learning motivation and student involvement corresponded to lower instances of cheating. The multiple linear regression revealed that learning motivation and student involvement jointly accounted for 86.8% of the variance in cheating behavior. Moreover, the F-test demonstrated a significant negative relationship between learning motivation, student involvement, and cheating behavior. In conclusion, this study highlights that increased learning motivation and student involvement can significantly reduce cheating behavior among students.


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