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The Influence of Audit Experience, Role Ambiguity, and Healthy Lifestyle on Auditor Performance with Spiritual Intelligence as an Intervening Variable. (Study on KAP at Surabaya City)

Pengaruh Pengalaman Audit, Ambiguitas Peran, dan Healthy Lifestyle Terhadap Kinerja Auditor dengan Kecerdasan Spiritual sebagai Variabel Intervening. (Studi pada KAP di Kota Surabaya)




Audit Experience, Role Ambiguity, Auditor Performance, Healthy Lifestyle, Spiritual Intelligence


Research was conducted to determine the influence of audit experience, role ambiguity, and healthy lifestyle on auditor performance with spiritual intelligence as an intervening variable (Study at KAP in Surabaya City). In this study, the sample used was 65 KAP auditors in Surabaya. In this research, data analysis uses Partial Least Square (PLS). The results obtained from this research are that audit experience, role ambiguity and healthy lifestyle partially influence auditor performance, using the t-test with a significant value of <0.05. Audit experience, role ambiguity, and healthy lifestyle partially influence spiritual intelligence, using the t-test with a significant value <0.05. Spiritual intelligence partially influences auditor performance, using the t-test with a significant value <0.05. Spiritual intelligence mediates audit experience, role ambiguity and healthy lifestyle using the t-test with a significant value<0.05. These results state that hypothesis testing can be accepted and proven to be true.


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