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Mediator Effects of Emotional Regulation on Loneliness With Subjective Well-Being Elderly Women

Efek Mediator Regulasi Emosi Terhadap Kesepian Dengan Subjective Well-Being Lansia Perempuan




Elderly Woman, Emotion Regulation, Loneliness, Subjective Well Being


Elderly is the peak phase of human development which is accompanied by physical, social and psychological changes which cause a tendency to feel lonely. It was uniquely found that women feel lonely much more than men. Loneliness related to low level of subjective well-being due to negative appraisals accompanied by dominant negative emotions in the elderly, so that the elderly need to optimize emotional regulation in order to control negative emotions and be able to change positive assessments of the loneliness they experience. The aim of this research is to find out the mediating effect of emotional regulation on the relationship between loneliness and subjective well-being in elderly women. The research method used quantitative correlational research involving 182 elderly female respondents. The research results show that emotional regulation has a role in mediating loneliness and subjective well-being so that the level of subjective well-being of elderly women can be increased.


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