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Organizational Activity and Students' Learning Motivation Relationship to Academic Achievement in Teaching Secondary Schools

Hubungan Keaktifan Berorganisasi dan Motivasi Belajar Siswa dengan Prestasi Akademik di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan




Organizational Activeness, learning motivation, Academic Achievement


The aim of the research is to analyze the relationship between learning motivation and academic achievement, to find out the relation between the activity of the organization and the academic accomplishment, to know the relationship among the organization's activity and the motivation of learning. This research uses quantitative research with correlation approaches. The criteria for the subjects studied were students who attended the organization IPM and Senate Taruna, aged 15-18 years, class 10-11. The total student population in the school was
400, the sample used the isaac formula with a 10% error significance and found a sample of 60. The results of this Pearson r value showed a very significant correlation (p<.001) with a high r value (r=0.662), which means that there is a relationship between organizational activity and
learning motivation, research hypotheses accepted and zero hypothesis rejected, to the three variables are interrelated.


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