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Implementation of City Without Slum Program Policy (Kotaku) Case Study of Ngingas Village Waru District

Implementasi Kebijakan Program Kota Tanpa Kumuh (Kotaku) Studi Kasus Kelurahan Ngingas Kecamatan Waru




Implementation, Kebijakan Program Kotaku


This research study aims to analyze how the Implementation of Kotaku Program Policy in Ngingas Village, as well as identify what factors are supporting and inhibiting in the Implementation of Kotaku Program Policy in Ngingas Village. This research use descriptive qualitative approach. The results showed that: (1) The size and objectives of the government in the Kotaku Program in Ngingas Village aim to treat slums into habitable settlements through community-based infrastructure development. (2) The resources in the Kotaku Program in Ngingas Village are currently adequate both at the Regency/City level and at the Village level. (3) Inter Organization Communication in the Implementation of Kotaku Program Policy has been maximized due to coordination from implementing agencies at the Regency/City level. (4) Social, Economic and Political Conditions in the Implementation of Kotaku Program Policy in Ngingas Village where the evironment is very helpful for the livelihood of residents. 


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