Optimizing the Growth and Yield of Mustard Plants (Brassica juncea L.) in the Wick Hydroponic System by Providing AB Mix Nutrition
Optimalisasi Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Sawi (Brassica juncea L.) Pada Sistem Hidroponik Sumbu dengan Pemberian Nutrisi AB Mix
AB Mix, Hydroponics, Mustard PlantsAbstract
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of application of several concentrations of AB Mix on the growth and productivity of mustard plants with a wick hydroponic system. The study was conducted on campus land in Modong Tulangan using a Single factor Group Randomized Design (RAK), namely the concentration of AB MIX nutrients consisting of 3ml / l, 5ml / l, 7ml / l, 9ml / l. The observation parameters of the study were Plant height, Number of leaves, Weevil Diameter, Wet Milk, Dry weight. The data was analyzed by analysis of variance with BNJ follow-up testing. The results of the study that on growth optimization there was no influence on the observation of plant height, number of leaves, weevil diameter while on the observation of the results there was an influence on wet weight and dry weight resulting in the highest treatment at 7ml/l.
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