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Intensity of Rice Leaf Infection Symptoms by Pathogen Fungi In Sidoarjo and the Potential for Control by Trichoderma

Intensitas Gejala Infeksi Jamur Patogen Daun Padi Di Sidoarjo dan Potensi Pengendalian Trichoderma




Lowland Rice, In Vitro Test, Pathogenic Fungi, Trichoderma esprellum


This research measures the intensity of pathogenic fungi symptoms on lowland rice leaves, identifies fungal morphology, and tests Trichoderma asperellum's inhibitory power against the most common pathogenic fungi in vitro. Conducted in a rice field in Tambak Kalisogo village, Jabon District, covering two hectares chosen randomly, the study uses a pest attack index ranging from healthy to dead plants (0-5 scale). Leaves showing necrosis symptoms were randomly selected, and the pathogenic fungi were isolated. The average symptom intensity at the beginning of the reproductive phase was 22.0%. Helminthosporium sp. was the most frequently isolated fungus. T. asperellum inhibited colony growth by 54.2%, peaking at 111.7% inhibition 48 hours after inoculation. Climate change, with rising global temperatures and humidity, increases pathogen growth potential. This biocontrol agent shows great promise for controlling leaf pathogenic fungi in lowland rice.


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