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Characteristics of Harum Manis Mango Peel Jelly Candy (Mangifera Indica L.) Based on Varying Gelatin and Citric Acid Concentrations

Karakteristik Permen Jelly Kulit Mangga Harum Manis (Mangifera Indica L.) Berdasarkan Variasi Konsentrasi Gelatin dan Asam Sitrat




Mango Peel, Jelly Candy, Gelatin, Citric Acid


Mango peel is a component of the mango fruit that is still rarely utilized in food products. It is known that mango peel contains several bioactive compounds that act as antioxidants and phenolic compounds that have anticancer effects. This research aimed to determine the characteristics of mango skin jelly candy with varying concentrations of gelatin and citric acid. The best treatment was obtained with 5% gelatin and 0.5% citric acid, yielding moisture content of 32.21%, ash content of 0.32%, antioxidant activity IC50 of 55.43 µg/mL, pH of 4.20, texture of 8.21 N, lightness value of 29, redness value of 2.48, yellowness value of 8.87, organoleptic color score of 3.25 (somewhat like to like), organoleptic aroma score of 3.60 (somewhat like to like), organoleptic taste score of 3.30 (somewhat like to like), and organoleptic texture score of 3.35 (somewhat like to like).


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