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The Relationship between Bride and Groom Attitudes with Premarital

Hubungan Sikap Calon Pengantin Dengan Pemeriksaan Kesehatan Pranikah




Bride and Groom, Attitude , Perinatal Care


Forthcoming married couples complete clinical minds imminent husband and spouse as regulatory commitment in dealing with  marriage KUA. The point of  review  to decide the connection between the demeanor of the lady and husband clinical assessments, utilizing quantitative examination techniques with cross sectional. The populace examined was the imminent lady and husband to be in Surabaya Pakis in October-November 2022 with an exploration test of 30 individuals  the consideration standards. The inspecting procedure utilized inadvertent examining. The examination instrument is  disposition survey. The consequences of the investigation discovered  practically every one of them were matured 20-35 (83.3%), every one of them were exceptionally taught and practically every one of them were working (86.7%). The demeanor of the forthcoming lady and husband with early clinical assessments gotten a p-worth 0.024, it tends to be reasoned that there is a connection between the disposition of the imminent lady and early clinical assessments.


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