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The Relationship Between Locus of Control and Psychological Well-Being in Cendekia Sidoarjo High School Students

Hubungan antara Locus Of Control dengan Psychological Well-Being pada Peserta Didik SMA Cendekia Sidoarjo




lotus of control, student, Psychological Well-Being


This research aims to determine whether there is a relationship between locus of control and psychological well-being in students. . The population in this study was 129 students. Meanwhile, for taking the number of samples in this research using the Isaac & Michael table with an error tolerance of 5%, the sample size was 96 people. . The results of the analysis show that the correlation coefficient value rxy = 0.978 with a significance value of 0.000 (p < 0.05). So it can be interpreted that there is a significant positive relationship between locus of control and psychological well-being. So the higher the locus of control, the higher the psychological well-being that students have, conversely, the lower the locus of control, the lower the psychological well-being that students have.


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