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Effect of Gelatin Proportion and Addition of Kepok Banana Peel Flour to Marshmallow Characteristics (Musa acuminate balbisiana)

Pengaruh Proporsi Gelatin dan Penambahan Tepung Kulit Pisang Kepok Terhadap Karateristik Marshmallow (Musa acuminate balbisiana)




Banana Peel, Marshmallow


Banana peel is one of the organic wastes that has not been utilized optimally. This organic waste can be processed into flour, which can be used as food raw material. Marshmallow is one type of soft candy or soft candy that has a soft, light, chewy foam, like texture and various shapes, aromas, tastes and textures. This study aims to determine the effect of the proportion of gelatin and the addition of banana peel flour on the characteristic of marshmallow. This research was conducted using a Randomized Block Design (RAK) with the first factor being the proportion of gelatin (A) which consisted of 3 treatment levels, namely : A1 (6%), A2 (8%), A3 (10%) and the second factor was the addition of banana peel (T) which consisted of 3 treatment levels, namely : T1 (2,5%), T2 (5%), T3 (7,5%). 


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