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Cooperative Learning Using Canva to Boost Speaking Activities in a Primary School

Pembelajaran Kooperatif Menggunakan Canva untuk Meningkatkan Aktivitas Berbicara di Sekolah Dasar




Cooperatif Learning, Canva, Speaking, Primary school


English is the world's international language and is recognised as one of the languages taught in many schools in certain countries even though English is not their first language. This also happened in Thailand, where English learning and teaching activities have been carried out for more than a century. This research aims to know how cooperative learning using Canva boost speaking activities in primary school. The researcher applies a qualitative case study design by collecting data using field notes, informal interviews, and open-ended questionnaires. The subjects of this research were English teacher and grade- -sixth students at Bannonkokkha School, Thailand. The research results show that most students gave positive feedback towards cooperative learning using Canva which was considered effective to boost speaking activities and increase social skills for students. Students feel happy, enjoy, and comfortable when the teacher applies cooperative learning since students can create positive collaboration. 


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