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Application of Augmented Reality Technology as Promotional Media at PT. Delisari Nusantara

Penerapan Teknologi Augemented Reality Sebagai Media Promosi Di PT. Delisari Nusantara




Augmented Reality, marketing, brochure, android


Marketing is a way to disseminate information, influence, and invite targets so that products can be accepted by buyers, buy and increase the needs of the products being marketed. Product marketing requires innovation as a promotional medium. Augmented Reality technology can assist in selecting the desired product by scanning 3D objects in brochures or similar printed media. Augmented reality or commonly called Augmented Reality are real and virtual elements in a real environment that can be executed directly and interactively. This integration can be made possible through the input of certain devices and integration which requires effective implementation. This study aims to determine the application of Augmented Reality as a media promotion at PT Delisari Nusantara.The results of interviews, observations, and literature state that Augmented Reality technology can be applied to increase the buying interest of prospective buyers as a promotional medium at PT Delisari Nusantara.


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