Implementation of Fuzzy Mamdani's Logic in Determining Teacher Performance Appraisal (Case Study: SDN Pagerwojo)
Implementasi Logika Fuzzy Mamdani dalam Menentuka Penilaian Kinerja Guru (Studi Kasus: SDN Pagerwojo)
teacher, fuzzy logic, performance appraisal, mamdaniAbstract
Teacher performance appraisal is one way that can be used to assess whether a teacher deserves a promotion or obtaining teacher certification. In the assessment of teacher performance conducted at SDN Pagerwojo, there is a problem, namely that the time needed to obtain results is relatively long. To address these problems, a teacher performance appraisal system using the Mamdani method is needed. The variable assessment criteria used include pedagogic, personal, social, and professional. The membership functions of each criterion are bad, sufficient, and good. The result of the study is that the teacher performance appraisal system using the fuzzy Mamdani logic method can be used to find out the results of teacher performance scores in a short time.
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