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The Relationship between Self Efficacy and Stress coping on Work Performance of PT Outsourching Employees. X in Sidoarjo

Hubungan Self Efficacy dan Coping Stres Terhadap Performa Kerja Pada Karyawan Outsourching PT. X di Sidoarjo




Self Efficacy, Coping Stress, Work Performance


This research aims to 1) evaluate the relationship between self-efficacy and outsourced  employee performance, 2) analyze the relationship between stress coping and  outsourced employee performance, and 3) examine the joint relationship between self efficacy and stress coping on outsourced employee performance. This research uses a  quantitative approach with a correlational type of research. Data was collected through  self-efficacy questionnaires (24 questions), stress coping (25 questions), and work  performance (28 questions). The results of the research show that 1) there is a positive  relationship between self-efficacy and outsourced employee performance, 2) there is no  relationship between stress coping and outsourced employee performance, and 3) there  is no significant relationship between self-efficacy and stress coping together on  outsourced employee performance. Conclusions, demonstrate the complexity of factors  influencing the performance of outsourced employees and provide a basis for further  research.


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