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Promotional Media for Augmented Reality-Based School at SMP PGRI 9 Sidoarjo

Media Promosi Sekolah Berbasis Augmented Reality di SMP PGRI 9 Sidoarjo




Promotional Media, Augmented Reality, Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC)


This research discusses the development of a school promotion media based on Augmented Reality at SMP PGRI
9 Sidoarjo using the MDLC method. The problem formulation includes the design and development of an Androidbased AR application, as well as the location and timeframe of the study. The research method employs MDLC with
stages including concept design, material collection, and testing. The outcome is an application capable of displaying
3D objects of SMP PGRI 9 Sidoarjo, encompassing its facilities, advantages, and achievements through AR
technology. From the testing phase, it is expected that this application will provide convenience and a new experience
for users to learn about SMP PGRI 9 Sidoarjo. In conclusion, this application is expected to increase interest and
awareness of SMP PGRI 9 Sidoarjo through an interactive and engaging learning experience.


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